“If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.” -Author Unknown
Be a Friend
There is always an opportunity to volunteer at The Bridge Line. From being a friend to one of our residents which includes providing assistance and friendship to members within our program by reading, playing board games, having a coffee with them and making them smile!
Lead a Game Night
One of our favorite social activities is to have a “game night” with several of our friends. We do this on a regular basis, with roughly one “game night” happening per month. For us, it’s a social highlight – it provides great social interaction, a fun evening with old and new friends, and some great thought-provoking game play. We have a variety of games available (pictionary, monopoly etc..) or you can bring your own! So set up a day, we’ll buy the pizza, you lead the game! If you’re looking for an evening with new friends that’s rich in social interaction, look no further!
Guest Chef for a Dinner
If you love to cook come join us! We promise an evening full of fun and friendship. Our Guest Chef for a Dinner Program is a volunteer opportunity that all residents of Building Bridges love. Come to one of our homes and show off your cooking skills. We have had guest chefs come from as near as Charlottesville and as far as Germany! A Guest Chef enriches our evening with great fun and excellent food. We’d love to have you!
For more information about any of the above volunteer opportunities or to hear about more, contact Amber Rexrode at amber@thebridgeline.org