Guest Chef Program!

Check out some of our past “Guest Chefs” holding the famous trophy!

What is a Guest Chef you ask? Our Guest Chef Program is a volunteer opportunity that everyone here at The Bridge Line enjoys. If you love to cook come join us! Come into one of our homes and show off your cooking skills. We have had guests come from as near as Charlottesville, to as far away as Germany! We promise an evening full of fun and friendship. If you are interested, please contact Amber Rexrode at We look forward to having you!



Brain Injury Prevention

Brain Injury Prevention via The Brain Injury Association
Injury to the brain can happen in a split second, with symptoms lasting anywhere from a few minutes to a lifetime. Most brain injuries can be prevented by practicing some common prevention and safety techniques.
The Brain Injury Association of America offers the following tips:
• Always wear a bike helmet. Be a good example to your children. Biking incidents most often occur within five blocks of home.
• Brain injuries occur during a fall when the head hits the ground. All skaters, skateboarders, scooter riders, horseback riders, and other extreme sports athletes should wear appropriate helmets.
• Brain injury is the leading cause of death among children hit by cars. Always stop at the curb; wait for the bus at a safe place off of the road; walk facing traffic when there is no sidewalk; wear reflective clothing at night.
• Falls are the number one cause of brain injuries in all age groups. Check playground surfaces- look for loose surfaces including mulch, pea gravel, crushed stone; keep bathroom and kitchen floors dry; secure ladders before climbing; keep stairway well lit; secure throw rugs; remove or secure extension cords that cross walkways in the home.
• Concussions are the most common consequence of brain injury in contact sports. Make sure coaches know correct procedures for grading a possible concussion and have guidelines for removing a child from play.
• Children and adults are less likely to die or be severely injured in a crash when wearing a seatbelt. Children learn from parents, so always buckle up. Virginia has laws regarding safety belt use.
• Know the right car safety seat to use for your growing child. Expand / Collapse
• Keep firearms locked up and store bullets separately.
• Know the signs of intimate partner abuse. National Domestic Violence Hotline

Our Friend Maggie

The BridgeLine family has lost someone very special to us. Our dear friend and resident, Maggie. She was an amazing person who touched us all in various ways: she had a great sense of humor, was interested in history and politics, she loved everything about cats and… she was a self-proclaimed chocoholic.


Her uniqueness was exceptional and she made a difference in everybody’s life. We will miss her forever.