
We’ve joined CauseNetwork! And, you are invited to the celebration.

Click Here to visit our CauseNetwork page!

CauseNetwork is a new kind of marketplace where socially conscious consumers like you can support your favorite cause every time you shop online. CauseNetwork negotiates discounts and donations from over 1,000 stores so you can save money and collect donations for your cause. 
Supporting your favorite cause has never been easier – it’s fast, simple, and there is no additional cost to you. 

To start supporting Building Bridges Charlottesville all you need to do is:

– Visit: Our Page on CauseNetwork
– Click any offer and complete a purchase
– Up to 10% of your purchase will automatically be donated to your cause.

Here are just a few of the 1,000 brands you can collect donations from when you shop:

Thank you for joining and for all of your support!